Topic: Stucture of 64-bit data words, SD062 FMC104 Star  (Read 13574 times)

KevinNIST August 01, 2013, 04:14 PM

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I would like to know more about the stucture of the Out_data(63:0) port of the FMC104 Star. A verbatim description from section 3.6:"The 14 bits data from each ADC channel is left justified to 16 bits and de-multiplexed to 64 bits. The 64 bits data is synchronised to the cmd_clk clock domain and mapped to the ADC ouput wormholes. There are 4 output wormholes that carry the ADC data, one for each ADC channel. The wormhole names are adc0, adc1, adc2 and adc3. The description of the wormhole is given in the next table."
I'm guessing that each 64-bit work contains 4 consecutive samples from the ADC? Bits (63 downto 50) are sample @ t=0, bits (47 downto 34) @ t=4ns, bits(31 downto 18) @ t=8ns, and bits(15 downto 2) @ t=12ns for instance?
Could you show in a table or chart exactly what the word format is, which bits are most significant, least significant, etc?

Kyu August 02, 2013, 12:32 PM (#1)

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Yes, each 64bit wormhole contains 4 consecutive ADC samples. Each sample is 16bit data with two's complement format. It's left justified. MSB is the bit 16 and bit[1:0] should be zero. The sample order is [63:48]=1st, [47:32]=2nd, [31:16]=3rd and [15:0]=4th samples.


KevinNIST September 11, 2013, 12:27 PM (#2)

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I'm confused again while reading the 4DSP documentation. In reference to my original post, I was under the impression that each 64-bit data word contains data for four consectutive samples of data in TIME from a SINGLE CHANNEL. Is this assupmtion correct? Or, is it that each 64-bit word contains four concurrent samples of data from four different channels? Please clarify.
Again, a chart is worth a thousand words if you can provide one.

KevinNIST September 11, 2013, 12:37 PM (#3)

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... A follow-up question... If a 64-bit biit work is in fact 4 consectutive time samples from a single channel, does that mean that the Cmdclk is a frequency 1/4 of the sampling rate?

Kyu September 11, 2013, 09:35 PM (#4)

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It contains 4 consecutive samples from a single channel. Cmdclk is not related to the sampling frequency. It's a clock that synchronizes commands wormhole. Basically, a trunk of the captured ADC data is stored into a FIFO at ADC phy clk. Then, it reads 4 captured ADC data from the FIFO at cmdclk and send data to the host computer.


KevinNIST September 16, 2013, 05:26 PM (#5)

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Thanks for the response Kyu... another question. What is the format of the 14-bit data readings? Let's say I want to add together two of the samples in a 64-bit word. I know each number is signed (positive or negative). What is the format? one's complement? Two's complement? What hardware should I program to do the addition operation? Regular old adders? subtractors? adder/subtractor modules with function select?
what if I want to do a subtraction? I prefer that the add/subtract module be easily created from Xilinx IP Core generator wizard, unless you have VHDL code that you are willing to share.

KevinNIST September 16, 2013, 05:53 PM (#6)

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Also, for the sake of making VHDL testbench files i would like to be able to go between .txt and .bin file formats, and then construct 64-bit words to feed into a VHDL testbench file. This is for firmware testing and debug of course. Do you have a program to do these file conversions?

Kyu September 17, 2013, 01:22 AM (#7)

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It's a two's complement numbers so you can simply add and subtract. You can also have the binary offset. Please refer the ADC datasheet register information and provided documents. Don't forget that data is a left-aligned by default. You can modify the provided source code to fit into your design.

We do not have a program to convert integer to hex number.
