Products > FMC Products

about using FMC126 without using any carrier board


We have purchased FMC126 for some data conversion from Analog to digital.
But out carrier board that we had purchased is Fujitsu, DKXC5VMOD-1 for which we did not get any reference files.
So ,we want to know if we can convert data from analog to digital using just FMC126 ?
Can we avoid carrier board and get our digital data using only FMC126 ? or Carrier Board is a must ?
Thank you


The FMC126 is not working in standalone. It has to be configured by a firmware (or software through a firmware) so a carrier board is necessary, yes!

Best Regards,

This topic is being closed because the issue is considered as resolved by 4DSP. Feel free to create a new topic for any further inquiries.


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