Products > FMC Products

Reference Design for multi-channel ADC data crossed over to a common clk domain



Does 4DSP provide any reference design for an FMC having a multi-channel ADC, say an FMC 168, where the data from all the ADC channels are brought to a common clk domain from their individual domains. I would be interested to see such a reference code for any carrier board, preferentially ML605, where all the individual channel clock inputs and data are passed through appropriate buffers, IDELAYs, MMCM...etc and the data is available in a single common clock domain.


Dear Erol,

The reference design is only meant to offload snapshots and this is why the firmware is not synchronous.

The answer is no unfortunately. You can still contact to purchase such a design, then 4DSP would be working on these aspects for you.

Best Regards,

This topic is being closed because the issue is considered as resolved by 4DSP. Feel free to create a new topic for any further inquiries.


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